I've been in Davis, California for two days (and nights), back at the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. My best friend, my pal, my dog Louie, who has been sick, got sicker over the weekend and I had to bring him back for more tests.
While Louie was being examined and x-rayed and C.A.T.-scanned (reminds me of the joke) and generally poked and prodded, I had to hang out in Davis and try to concentrate on other stuff.
The good news is that the mystery of what is wrong with him has been solved -- a very bad ear infection turned into a big abscess and the swelling was pressing against his jaw, causing him severe pain when he tried to open his mouth to eat or bark or yawn. Poor guy. Two thousand bucks later, Louie's home and feeling a lot better -- and so are we. Thanks to Doctors Teitler and Barham and Emily and Regina over at VMTH. You guys are the best friends a dog's owner could have.
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