Sunday, July 4, 2010

365 Photo Project - Day 185

Taken: July 4, 2010, approx. 9:40 p.m.
Location: Healdsburg, Ca.

I got to see the Fourth of July fireworks from our porch tonight. They're nothing like the incredible shows they put on in the Nation's Capital when I lived there. I would pack a cooler with beer and munchies and spend July 4th on The Mall with thousands of other revelers watching Leontyne Price or Tony Bennett, but as fun as that was, it's nothing like watching without the crowds and in my pajamas. And no mile-walk to wherever you parked your car eight hours ago.

I set up my camera on a tripod and did my best to capture the show but I'm still learning. I took over 200 shots and haven't even gone through them all but I had to settle for the best of the bunch I edited. This here is it. Happy Fourth people.

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