Thursday, July 22, 2010

365 Photo Project - Day 203

Taken: July 22, 2010, approx. 6 p.m.
Location: Healdsburg, Ca. 

I've been having trouble coming up with photos lately. I know part of this is just me worried that my images won't be good enough to put up here. I always think that even though I started this project as a way to learn more about photography and myself. I've always been hard on myself. I'm sure most of us are and I know for most of us, the really hard part is letting go, is forgiving yourself for not being perfect. You know, like everybody else. Ha.

A good friend told me to try looking at things around me differently. To try making images from the every day routine of my life. I'm trying to take that to heart. This is one of those days. The shot is of the barbells my husband has laid out in a row on the deck railing. Most of the time, we used them to keep things from flying away in the wind. Occasionally we actually use them for exercise. Sometimes even more than once a week. 

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